jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

About me

Hi, my name is Jorge Viláñez, I am 16 years old and I live in Ibarra. I am currently studying at UEFS "Sánchez and Cifuentes" and I am in 2nd year of high school.

Then I'll talk a little about myself:

My Zodiac Sign

My zodiac sign is Cancer, and the characteristics that define my sign are:


These characteristics define my personality very well, since I am not a very sociable person, but I have a lot of imagination, and I like that everything fits me well.

My emotions.

-Proud: I am a very proud person, and I feel that way when I get what I want.

-Sleepy: because many times I do not sleep much and I'm sleepy the next day

-Disappointed: I am discouraged very easily by any bad thing that happens to me

-Annoyed: in reality this feeling is one that does not happen to me, because I am calm and I do not

With that little information I hope that they know me a little more, about my personality and how I am.